Saturday, August 7, 2010

A fun little package...

Phew! I've been a busy bee today! Yesterday I got fed up with how messy and cluttered my room was. I decided that today was the day to go hog wild and clean and organize it. I've got a big pile of clothes to donate, the bed linens have been stripped and almost all washed and replaced. The room is dust free and vaccumed and I'm pooped! I'm relaxing for a few minutes before I head downstairs to clean. Thank goodness my roomie helped me out and did the kitchen floor today. I'm so motivated now to work on redesigning/decorating my room. I can't wait to make myself a quilt! I'm contemplating a dark greyish periwinkley color for the walls. I'm not sure yet, we'll see.
One last thing before I head off to continue my life as Cinderella... I got today's mail just now and got the cutest thing! I love getting fun stuff instead of bills! Earlier this week I ordered a clean/dirty magnet for my dishwasher, how cute is it?!? Could a quilted design be any more appropriate? I love it when an artist puts just a bit more thought into their presentation too, I love the little sticker on the package!
Now I can be sure (hopefully) that dirty dishes won't get put away when someone thinks they are clean! ;)
Interested in getting your own? Check out Daffodils and Daisies here.

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