Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ignorance is bliss...

I've not ever been a very political person. I'm not on the up and up as far as foreign affairs, healthcare, and policies. I do watch the news in the morning but a lot of the time it's local stuff so it's lighter subject matter. Do I know that the healthcare debate is happening, of course I do. Do I know that there are wars in several other countries that we are involved with, yes of course I do. Ask me to sit down and have a discussion about the ins and outs of either subject and I think I'll have to pass. Don't get me wrong, I do find it  interesting and I know it affects me but I find that my time is better spent doing other things. Now, due to the lack of good radio shows in the morning I listen to KQED/NPR on my way to and from work. Yes, I do learn things while driving but more often than not it's all bad and depressing news!  I tend to spend that 20 or so minutes thinking something along the lines of "what is our world coming to?"  Can our society really ever come out of this perpetual funk we are in? We've got car problems, environmental problems, healthcare problems, war problems, huge national debt, and more problems than I care to site here. Can't they ever report about something happy? Is there any way out of any of this?  So, maybe I'll go back to listening to music on the way to work so I don't start my day with a downtrodden attitude. Call me naive or whatever you want, but who can blame my lack of interest in current affairs when so often it's so depressing!

1 comment:

Faith, the Authoress said...

I work in politics and am required to constantly keep up on news, so at the end of the day, I feel the same way. It's tiring. What I try to remember is that our current media is hell-bent on creating drama and mass-hype instead of reporting good things or facts. But yeah - crank up some happy music, I think it couldn't hurt!