Sunday, August 22, 2010

Creative things from Paper Source!

Today was my third day of working at Paper Source. My feet are certainly tired and achy but it was a good day! I'm so inspired by everything we carry! Today I was straightening paper and was struck by how beautiful they are! I've never had much of a need for the larger sheets of beautiful imported papers but today I found myself inventing projects just so I could use them. This one is beautiful, this one is gorgeous but you really can't tell on the website. This one would be great for a project, and this one looks like really fine tiedye or something.
Something else I'm really excited to share is a part of the website that even I didn't know existed. If you click on the how-to and workshops tab on the right side of the screen there are all kinds of goodies in there!

Once you click on that you'll see a menu on the left hand side with all kinds of subjects! Say you got a paper flower kit as a gift and have no idea  how to use it, well you could go there and get a demo on how to make them! Genius! The woman who does the videos is hilarious and is one of if not the founding member of the company. She is no Martha.

Another great thing in the how-to and workshops tab is the templates. If you were to buy a pack of labels and you wanted to print on them with a laser printer you can go to the website and use one of the templates there. Again, genius!
If you are a fan of PS I encourage you to check out how-to and workshops tab, lots of cool things await you!
Make Something Creative Today!

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