Good morning! Are you ready? It's time for my first giveaway! In honor of my new job at Paper Source I'd like to tell you about some of my favorite items carried there. I love how creative the company is, matter of fact their motto is "Do Something Creative Every Day!" Yesterday my shift went by so fast, I got to help people decide on how their wedding invitations would look and I got to show them how to emboss stamps. It was great fun! Here are a few of my favorite items. I love their calendars, especially this one and this one. The larger one can also be used for other things once you are done with it, it comes with templates on the back of each page for boxes, file folders and note pads. How cool is that? 

I also love the paper flower kits and especially the wreaths. I made the fall leaf wreath many years ago and before the leaves were already cut out for you. It's much easier now and so fun! They also carry a new mum wreath that is really beautiful. It must be popular too because our store is out of it right now.
There are of course many many other things that I love at Paper Source but this would be the worlds longest blogpost if I told you about all of them. Now on to the giveaway! There are actually two! The first one will be this super adorable mini desktop calendar! I've loved these since they came out a few years ago. It comes with a little stand if you'd like to display it that way.
Isn't it cute! I'd love to keep this for myself but it's for one of you!
The second giveaway is three different greeting cards. It was so hard to pick, there are so many awesome ones! Many of them are very funny or sarcastic. I picked one birthday card and two multipurpose cards all of which are blank inside. aren't they cute!
Ok, so how do you win one of the giveaways? Please leave a comment below and tell me what you love at Paper Source! Make sure to leave an email address so I can contact you if you win. For a second chance to win add my blog to your reader and come back and do a second comment telling me that you've added me. For a third chance to win share this blogpost on your facebook page so others can enter to win! Come back and do a third comment telling me you've done so. This giveaway will end on Tuesday August 24th at 8pm PST and is limited to the US.
Good luck!
I love the store for everything! Specifically the cute little knick knacks that make for sweet little gifts!...always make a gift unique. :)
azine dot bugliarello at gmail dot com. :)
Yay for giveaways!!! So rad!
I love papersource, specifically the wrapping paper and I love the big wall calendars as well!
I super duper love Paper Source. I love their recipe cards and boxes to put them in. I also love their cupcake line of products (they may be from last season?).
I still use my gmail account. :)
I love the gift section! I can always find something fun for any occasion. :)
Shared on FB. :)
I posted to my facebook page! :)
I LOVE Paper Source! I bough some paper and envelopes for my wedding invitations years ago, but my fav is the little calendars and "kid" friendly things that I can give away in my classroom as motivators or prizes... they truthfully are my most sought after prizes!
I bought these darling stick on chalkboards that look like frames. I just adore them!
I can't pinpoint all items paper... there are simply too many to love.
I like the cherry blossom invites and also the kid's stationary sets! I absolutely love their paper products!
marysa at marysa dot com
I love the Paper Monkey Puppet kits, and the Calendars! Yay Papersource! Plus I'm so glad you enjoyed your first day! Woo!
I love the paper flower kits - if they still have them. Those are awesome!
Shared on FB too :)
I love everything. That store is like crack.:-)
can i win?
Sadly, I've never been to PS (not local to me), but I love everything I've seen online! Who doesn't love beautiful quality paper products?! :)
I would love to get some neat stuff to make invites for June's first birthday coming up in November!
Even if I don't win, I think I will hit you up to get me some ideas...I love reading your blog and all the creative things you do!
...and I posted on Facebook. :)
Of course you know I love it all....especially the calendars!!
Gorgeous giveaway! Love your blog too - especially the background! Jules x
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