Thursday, February 26, 2009

Being an adult sucks

I'm overwhelmed today. Being an adult sucks.
I've accepted the job I was offered at a much lower salary that I am worth but hey, it's a job right?! And so many people right now aren't so lucky to get a job offer. I'm not so good at change and a new job is a big change. Sadly, I've gotten used to a life of leisure.
On top of that I have to find health insurance for myself as I won't have any for at least 6 months and my car needs major maintenance. I hate spending money on stuff like that.
Times like these are ones when a husband comes in handy.


Stefanie K. said...

Times like these are ones you'll look back on some day and be SO proud of just how you made it through all on your OWN!!

yogamama said...

Stefanie K. is absolutely right - take a look back at what you have already accomplished since August 25th!