Saturday, January 29, 2011

The perks of living in an urban city...

I'm enjoying my Saturday morning off and am currently sitting down with a cup of apple chai and my newest Sunset magazine. I just read a blurb that I felt like sharing with you.
When I was a kid our milk was delivered to our doorstep a couple times a week. Not in the glass bottle you are probably picturing but in regular ol' cartons. When I was in Buenos Aires, Argentina we found that you could have anything you wanted delivered to your door! Not just pizza or Chinese food either! You could call up the grocery store and say, hey I'd like two pints of ice cream, one strawberry and one vanilla, and they would show up! I don't have luxuries like that where I live but in big cities you can get more things delivered than in a regular suburb.
image via
The blurb I came across is entitled "Two Wheeled Businesses."  In San Francisco you can have cupcake sized pies delivered to you by bicycle. Bikebasketpies delivers tasty treats all over town. Read more about Natalie here.
In Portland Soupcycle will deliver delicious soups to you! They even say on their website "we're like the milkmen of soup!" Their soups sound delicious by the way! Between the art and crafting scene, the scenery and the soup delivery I might have to move to Portland!
In Seattle you can find a bag of coffee on your doorstep rather than the bottle of milk. Small Cog Coffee delivers freshly roasted bags of coffee directly to you! How perfect to have your newspaper and your coffee waiting on your doorstep on a lovely Saturday morning!
I think what I find so great about the idea of these types of services is that a great baker or soup maker can do what they love best and be supported by a community of people who appreciate their talent. They don't have to worry about a storefront or any of the associated headache that comes with it. They can concentrate on what they do best!
If you have any suggestions or know of other people doing things like this in your city, I would love to know so I can share about them here!

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